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Eel noodle

Eel noodle

The person in charge of the small diner was selling stir-beef 33 years ago in Shimen roundabout. After getting married, because his wife did not eat beef, he changed to sell eels. He started the business in front of Qian-Qian Department Store of Ming-Zu Rd. back then and self invented stir-eel, which is thicker and abundant in taste in comparison with general eel noodles. Following, it was moved to Xiao-Bei night market with the special squid stir fry method, which is also popular among customers. Now, the operation mission is passed to the second generation.

Eel noodle:The eel for the eel noodle was processed by themselves, which is time consuming, hence, there are special staff hired for the operation. The noodles are home made with flour, egg but no water added and fried to create the wonderful smell. The character of the noodles made by the owner lies on the huge bowl, each fried granule noodle is the portion for one person, and since the pot is huge, it easily leads to dispersed noodles without concentration. Therefore, the owner depends on years of experiences to create bigger fried granule with 4-5 portions a time. Put green onion, garlic and other condiments to fry for the wonderful smell then the eel for quick frying
with high temperature briefly. It is done after seasoning added.
Squid thick soup:There are two kinds of squid, the one with wide body and thick flesh and the other with sharp body and thin flesh. Since the stocking type is uncertain, it takes experiences to decide the time of stir-fry. Before the operation, the squid has to be soaked in salt water for crispness, and then fry it with mid temperature, which is different with the operation of eel, depending on the thickness of squid. Add seasoning and corn starch will create the delicious dish.

The character of the eel noodle and squid thick soup is on the thick taste. The condiments are more than general. However, the fried food is not too sour nor sweet which captures the basic consuming group. According to the owner, this is all based from the experiences. The taste verifies for several times to cater the customers.
Hence, the current taste differs from the original fixed one and the number of young consuming group is increasing recently as well.
※The above introduction for small diner is digested from the book
“ First Edition for local dish in Fu City”